When, in his farewell address in 1961, President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned of the dangers of the “unwarranted influence” wielded by the “military-industrial complex,” he could never have dreamed of an arms-making corporation of the size and political clout of Lockheed Martin. In a good year, it now receives up to $50 billion in government contracts, a sum larger than the operating budget of the State Department. And now it’s about to have company.
anne-nivat's blog
Deathscapes amplifies horror of deaths in custody
Deathscapes: Mapping Race and Violence in Settler States is an ambitious project that brings together research and visual representation to expose the horror of custodial deaths in settler nations.
Kosovo at 10
Europe's newest nation-state, Kosovo, celebrates its tenth anniversary of independence today. The tiny, partially recognized country has enjoyed substantial gains and struggles over the past decade, with more challenges ahead. Kosovo's politics remain uncertain as the assassination of Oliver Ivanovic and possible war crimes investigations into members of government attest. The economy, while generally stable, remains weak: investment levels are low and youth, who make up the majority of the country's population, are unemployed at shockingly high levels.