March 14, 2013
ECCIDIO 1940 Papà Gheorghe: Sparano contro la folla. Devo scegliere se morire o raccontarvi tutto… Ip - Romania, 14 settembre 1940 MASSACRE...
March 13, 2013
extinct dinosaur blind bat frightened rabbit crawling worm eagle (the aged eagle) cunning fox evasive serpent all underway up Alice’s path...
November 28, 2012
Inside Cinema Odeon in Asmara, no one stood at the marble and mirrored espresso bar. Three students sat amidst the two dozen gold formica...
November 8, 2012
Joan Didion writes, “we tell ourselves stories in order to live.” Rachida Madani’s Tales of a Severed Head gets at the very heart of why we...
July 15, 2012
Sitor Situmorang is an award-winning poet, essayist and writer of short stories from Indonesia. Born in 1924 and active as a journalist in...
March 8, 2012
An excerpt from the foreword to Who Needs a Story? Who Needs a Story? is an anthology of poetry written in Tigrinya, Tigre and Arabic over...