topic: gender
February 9, 2020
I feel like an imposter. Out of place and exposed. Monsoon-like rains have subsided and the dry season air is thick and balmy in Monrovia,...
May 30, 2019
Netflix’s Delhi Crime (2019) is a seven-part series which revisits the infamous 2012 gangrape case of Jyoti Singh wherein the 23-year-old...
August 9, 2017
On the cover of The Poems of Kim Yideum, Kim Haengsook, and Kim Min Jeong —new writing by Korean women poets from Vagabond Press’s Asia...
April 4, 2017
On 29th March 2017, the Daily Mail published an article asserting that "video games like Tomb Raider and Grand Theft Auto make teenagers...
November 20, 2016
When Duke University Press announced that their Series Q would be officially terminated in 2012, there was already a sense that the...
June 16, 2016
Contradictory facts and impressions about Omar Mateen, the murderer of 49 people in Orlando, Florida, continue to circulate. Any consistent...
February 11, 2016
Yuri Herrera's Signs Preceding the End of the World (translated from Spanish by Lisa Dillman) is a strange and dreamlike narrative: the...
November 28, 2015
MIA released her latest video "Borders" recently and caused, as she so often does, an Internet uproar. Her self-directed video is a visual...
February 16, 2015
Building on the work of her previous books Precarious Life: The Power of Mourning and Violence (2004), and Frames of War: When is Life...
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