topic: image
January 25, 2016
Editor's Preface: To isolate one detail from Charles Cantalupo’s ekphrastic poem: Drawing the moment of stillness when the insect and...
July 8, 2015
“The Forensic Turn” and “Media and Myth: Mass Media and the Vietnam War” exhibitions, curated by Paul Lowe, Monica Alcazar-Duarte and Ziyah...
July 3, 2015
“Our thoughts, feelings, desires and actions are being robotized; 'life' is coming to mean feeding apparatuses and being fed by them. In...
June 21, 2015
In the week after Eric Casebolt of the McKinney Police Department provided backup for two women’s racist assaults on black teens enjoying...
February 25, 2015
This interview with Chilean-born, New York-based artist Alfredo Jaar was conducted over several weeks in 2011-2012. For Jaar, making the...
May 4, 2014
Editor's Introduction Marcel Proust writes of being in his bedroom and hearing what seems to be a riot in the street outside. Then, his...
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