At Warscapes, we felt that what promised to be one of the most exciting conversations in recent times was a little watered down and underwhelming. The original poster announcement - “Watch Zadie Smith and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Talk Postcolonial Lit” - was certainly misleading. In the entire conversation, there wasn't much said about postcolonial literature.
anne-nivat's blog
The Burqa or the Bikini: Western Feminist Blinders
Lourdes Garcia-Navarro's recent article on NPR, posing the question of which location is "more" sexist, the Middle East or Brazil, displays a reductionism that is all too common in Western feminist discourse. Why is clothing and the ability or purported inability of women to fashion themselves continually heralded as the most potent site of feminist resistance in the west?
El Salvador and the Quiet Americans
After a week of uncertainty, the results of last week’s presidential election in El Salvador have been confirmed. The contest was unexpectedly close. Though many observers, including myself, had predicted an easy win for the ruling FMLN party, the final tally from the second round of voting on March 9 had the FMLN’s Salvador Sánchez Cerén securing victory by only a few thousand votes.