Charles Cantalupo
January 25, 2016
Editor's Preface: To isolate one detail from Charles Cantalupo’s ekphrastic poem: Drawing the moment of stillness when the insect and...
April 14, 2015
African Literature...Says Who? The Last 50 Years with Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o Kenyan born and internationally acclaimed, Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o is the...
Charles Cantalupo
August 3, 2014
I am in a quandary. Why has my translation of a short story originally written in Tigrinya, “The Girl Who Carried a Gun” by Haregu Keleta,...
Charles Cantalupo
December 3, 2013
Editor's Preface Cruel firmament, With thy diurnal sweigh that crowdest ay And hurlest al from est til occident That Naturelly wolde holde...
Charles Cantalupo
November 28, 2012
Inside Cinema Odeon in Asmara, no one stood at the marble and mirrored espresso bar. Three students sat amidst the two dozen gold formica...
Charles Cantalupo
April 13, 2012
An excerpt from chapter six, “Rome’s Rome,” I traveled as a kind of pilgrim. I wanted to witness the site of one of Africa’s greatest,...
Charles Cantalupo
March 8, 2012
An excerpt from the foreword to Who Needs a Story? Who Needs a Story? is an anthology of poetry written in Tigrinya, Tigre and Arabic over...