anne-nivat's blog

Tibet closed to visitors ahead of Chinese security crackdown

Steve Shaw

As Tibetans prepare for the 57th anniversary of the Tibetan Uprising, Chinese authorities have sealed the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) to all foreign visitors.

The annual closure went into operation on Thursday after notices were issued to all major cities and counties saying that foreign visitors must leave the region by the 25 February deadline. It has not been confirmed when the region will reopen but based on previous years it is likely to be at the end of March.


Uganda's election: the surprising tragedy behind predictable results

Raksha Vasudevan

Last week’s presidential elections in Uganda had a foregone conclusion: “Museveni again…” as one local television station summed it up, nicely capturing the gloomy inevitability of President Museveni’s continuing reign, now to be extended to 35 years.


Performance protest against assassinations & drone strikes in Hadhramout, Yemen

Jessica Rohan Mohammed Bawazir

Silent Protest Against Extrajudicial Assassinations - Hadhramout, Yemen from Warscapes on Vimeo.

View Bawazir's statement of intent for the performance protest here.

