anne-nivat's blog

Don't Lean In, Fight Back

Crystal Stella Becerril

Two months ago I wrote a farewell op-ed for my school's newspaper, The Herald. The piece was addressed to Harold Washington College's class of 2014 and City Colleges of Chicago students in general. In it I explained my decision to boycott my own graduation in protest of the individual chosen as our commencement ceremony speaker, Chief Operations Officer (COO) of Facebook, Sheryl Sandberg.


Unpacking Harris v. Quinn: Labor, Race, and Gender in Caregiving

Jason Huettner

The recent Supreme Court decision in Harris v. Quinn dealt a blow to public sector unions and the labor movement in the US. To recap: workers who belong to public sector unions pay dues. The union is obligated to represent and bargain for all workers, including those who aren't members, with those non-members under the union's purview required to pay "agency fees" designed to cover the cost of bargaining for their wage improvements and other benefits.


Nuclear Weapons Are Like Aging Baby Boomers

Russ Wellen

Baby Boomers: as numerous as they are narcissistic (their rep, anyway). They were once synonymous with the emergence of the phenomenon of The Teenager as well as youth culture in general. It should come as no surprise then that Baby Boomers, many of whom are entering old age, are integral to the newfound prominence of geriatrics and eldercare. Meanwhile, the culture shift from youth to old age that parallels the life cycle of the Baby Boomers is mirrored in a similar shift in things that go boom — nuclear weapons.

