Ekphrasis reflects on visual culture and how it connects to race, politics, gender and class. It explores photography, video and art as it pertains to our individual and political lives through eclectic materials drawing on anthropology, art history, literature, political theory, aesthetics and a broad array of contemporary critics and theorists. Suchitra Vijayan is a writer and photographer. Trained as a barrister and political theorist, she previously worked for the UN war crimes tribunal for Yugoslavia and Rwanda. She co-founded and was the Legal Director of Resettlement Legal Aid Project in Cairo. At Yale, she researched and documented stories along the contentious Durand Line. She was embedded with the ISAF forces – 172 infantry brigade in Paktika Province, Afghanistan conducting research on key kinetic terrains in the Afghanistan-Pakistan border. She is currently working on a project titled Borderlands which is a travelogue chronicling stories along India’s borderlands, covering India's borders with Pakistan, China, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, and Burma. A part visual anthropology and part attempt at understanding the Indian state, it's pathologies and the fringes it governs. She writes regularly for The Hindu, Foreign Policy, HuffingtonPost, and The Sunday Guardian. Twitter @suchitrav